ID 51062 - WIP Praetorian guard Knight version.

All versions of the Praetorian Guard from The Last Jedi

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ID 51062 - WIP Praetorian guard Knight version.

Post by IanofScotland »

Good day fellow Praetorian builders.

I joined the 501st in 2019 and then as we all know the delightful Covid19 hit. Despite the downtime on trooping I have been able to acquire a Tie Pilot kit along with the Tie reserve and officer kit. I have also been able to handle a couple of events before we all went into lock down.

Been working on my kit for a while.
Items used so far.
1000 grit wet/dry sandpaper. Used at the beginning and in between each step.
Primer filler spray
Spot putty
Safety red spray paint
1" red strapping
Plastic cut into 1'" squares
Rivets and rivet gun

I have attached a couple of pictures that show the various stages of progress and the items I have used that are listed above. You will see in the first picture the before (chest and back piece), middle (helmet and face plate) and finished (arm armour) progression. The second picture shows the items I used to work on my kit minus the primer filler as I threw out the can. i decided to rivet the snaps onto the squares of plastic to have a stronger hold as I may need to remove individual segments for either storage or repairs.

build1.jpg (201.72 KiB) Viewed 9311 times

First step was to wet sand all the parts to rid them of any rough spots from the molding process. I then worked on the snaps which involved riveting the male part onto a square of plastic and attaching it to the piece using E6000 and a clamp and allowed it to cure for 24=36 hours. I then measured out a strip of red strapping making sure to allow for 3" of reveal for the top 4 sections and 2" of reveal for the bottom 4 sections. I marked those measurements on the strapping and used a soldering iron to burn holes in the strapping to keep the strapping from tearing or fraying from wear. I then secured the female part of the snap to the strapping using the supplied directions in the snap kit. The next step was to coat each piece in primer filler and allow it to dry. This will show any dings, dents, or defects in the piece. After the pieces are dry, another sanding was done in order to eliminate any roughness in the primer filler. I then used the spot putty to fill in the dent's, ding's and defects and allow it to dry. After the putty has dried, another sanding was done to smooth out the piece I was working on. After I was satisfied that I had it smooth enough, a coating of safety red spray paint was applied. Once the paint had dried, I examined the piece for any defects such as overspray or runs in the paint. If any were found I had to sand those areas again until I was satisfied that the issue was resolved and another coating of safety red was applied. .

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Re: ID 51062 - WIP Praetorian guard Knight version.

Post by IanofScotland »

A thought crossed my mind today, how perfect does the armour need to be in order to be approved or to meet the vision I have of the finished build?

Are defects (dings or dents) acceptable?

If this were real armour there would be battle scars or blaster marks on it?

How clean could they get it after battle?

How dirty would the armour get on a regular basis?

There are no clear images to see if the defects show on screen shots.

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Re: ID 51062 - WIP Praetorian guard Knight version.

Post by Shikkakku »

Hi! Praetorian DCA here :)

Looking good! Painting the lobster is really the tough part of this costume. As for your questions:

>>A thought crossed my mind today, how perfect does the armour need to be in order to be approved or to meet the vision I have of the finished build?
That's really something you'd want to talk about with your GML. Ideally it would be a smooth gloss finish with no major spiderwebbing/orange peel or other artifacts. That being said, since most of our costumes are viewed from a distance my rule-of-thumb is the "1-foot rule", as in if it can't be seen beyond 1 or 2 feet, then its not there. But again this is up to your GML's discretion.

>>Are defects (dings or dents) acceptable?
Nothing too big on any highly visible area of the armour. Of course nobody will be taking a magnifying glass to your kit and marking out any dings with a size greater than 5mm, but something like a cracked helmet since a lightsaber went through it is a no-go.

>>If this were real armour there would be battle scars or blaster marks on it?
>>How clean could they get it after battle?
>>How dirty would the armour get on a regular basis?
We have very little on the Praetorians other than the TLJ throne room scenes. If we go with their role as ceremonial bodyguards, their armour would be clean and parade-ready most of the time and they would see very little action as they're stuck keeping an eye on Snoke. But again, no actual evidence of that (I pray that changes someday!)

>>There are no clear images to see if the defects show on screen shots.
Yeah, the only time they get hit are with lightsabers and those don't show enough. So we go with pre-battle condition of shiny and smooth :)

Good luck! Let us know if you have any more questions.

TR-63613- Shikkakku
Paolo M Uy---- "Non Nobis Solum Nati Sumus"

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Re: ID 51062 - WIP Praetorian guard Knight version.

Post by IanofScotland »

The last of the armour has been sanded, primer filled and sanded yet again. My advice to anyone thinking of doing this character, start with the big pieces first. Sure there are a lot of smaller pieces but they are not as awkward to work with as the larger ones. Larger pieces don't equal easier and smaller pieces, despite being more, doesn't equal more work.

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