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OrarKad's Praetorian buid

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 5:22 pm
by OrarKad
Alright, probably should start this, this'll be my first official 501st costume, but I have been approved in the Mercs in my custom Mando, so hopefully this should do okay. Biggest hurdle is this will be the first ever screen accurate costume I make other than an attempt at a tusken a couple years ago.

My plan for the moment is to start assembling parts so that as the CRL develops, I can move along the path of making this. Math the moment, I am using Galactic armory's files for the armor, currently printing a test on sizing for the forearms, and a repair bit for the lower shoulder that got messed up the first time.

I have already printed the helmet and upper shoulders, shoulders may need some shaping, so if I need to reprint them will depend on if I can manage to shape them enough to work without warping the shape.

Boots and gloves have been ordered from crowprops, and I'm still waiting on a definite idea of fabrics and colors for the other soft parts before buying material.

Weapons-wise, I think I'll go for the pole arm or the sword, and put together a proffieboard setup for sound and light inside it.

Fingers crossed that we get some good info tomorrow in the BTS for season 3, and I can really get into gear on this. I'm hoping I can get this done in time for Salt Lake Fanx, whether approved or on its way, hopefully I can have it at least ready to wear.

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