Glaive technology can work (in universe)

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Darth Skellington
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Glaive technology can work (in universe)

Post by Darth Skellington »

Okay, so when it comes to glaives, there's always a bit of a stretch of the imagination.

Why? In most pictures, it is quite obvious that the blades are much bigger than teh hilt they came out of. It is quite physically impossible for the blades to retract into a hilt that small.

You can chalk this up to artistic license. When it comes to building props, there is no way to retract a blade into the hilt , unless you make the blade straight. Some people have done this.

Now, I've never been able to make sense of this, even "in universe" with Star Wars technology. It just doesn't add up.

Then it occurred to me that might retract in 2-3 stages. Anyone seen the new Star Trek movie? Remember Sulu's unfolding Katana? That got me thinking. I don't expect glaives to "unfold" or "unravel" the way his Katana does.

But, maybe they might slide out straight (as depicted in the comics), as a narrow blade that will fit within the hilt. Then the wide portion of the blade will slide out from within the straight part of the blade in either one or two stages. Thus, allowing the blade to retract into the hilt, but still maintain the large scalpel-like shape we've come to know and love, when in it's extended form.

Works for me. What do you think? Anyone else have any theories on how glaives might work "in-universe"?


And if I've cmpletely confused all of you, let me know and I'll draw a sketch.
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Re: Glaive technology can work (in universe)

Post by LuciousTalvloinne »


How about this Skel as an idea?
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Re: Glaive technology can work (in universe)

Post by Darth Skellington »

Well, I'm just hypothesizing about how they might work in the Star Wars Universe. There's no explanation on how they work there, let alone how they might work in the real world.

Yep, those are the straight blades I mentioned. :trsuit: For anyone wanting to do these, please understand that these metal blades will NOT be allowed at any convention. If you make one of these, it will be to decorate your wall, not to troop with.

Yeah, my theory is that in the SW universe, the blade would extend as a small straight blade not unlike the photo Lucious posted. Then the blade would extend out sideways from that creating the scalpel shape.
Warren Jacobsen - TR-5932
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Re: Glaive technology can work (in universe)

Post by Commander George »

Mmm... not a bad concept. :wow:

Sounds kinda like those telescopic batons used by police and security guards (actually, you can see Ray Park wielding a pair in "Fanboys"), but the shape would be flat instead of round...

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Re: Glaive technology can work (in universe)

Post by Squirrel »

In theory, that idea would work. you could even do it in real life. If you got the right kind of springs, and good plastic. . .
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Re: Glaive technology can work (in universe)

Post by Commander George »

Squirrel wrote:In theory, that idea would work. you could even do it in real life. If you got the right kind of springs, and good plastic. . .
Actually, the new toy Wolverine claws would seem to follow this approach...
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Commander George
Mexican Garrison

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