Triggers Senate Commando Grunt

The Senate Guard as seen in Revenge of the Sith

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Triggers Senate Commando Grunt

Post by Trigger »

I've wanted to build a senate commando for a while now but couldn't find a file that I liked but since I found one I'm finally starting on my build. I've got the helmet printed out and am reprinting the shoulder bell after an infill issue. I'm repurposing my armor from my clone trooper Mixer to make the bulk of the armor pieces.

for starters here are the references I will be using for this build.
what I've noticed is that in my research is that the armor has a white base. throughout the whole armor, you can see where the blue has faded to reveal the white. ill be painting my armor white and then blue that fades in the flat areas so expose the white than is darker around the edge and the creases. with my armor, I am currently working on smoothing the printer lines on the helmet and getting it ready for paint and working on some armor modifications to make the kit more comfortable to wear to troops.

The helmet
I've just about gotten the helmet to the point of being ready for paint. maybe 1 or 2 more rounds of sanding and i should be there. currently at the stage of my base primer coat which I typically do in black. white to come shortly

the armor
as I said I'm repurposing the armor from my mixer kit to make this armor. some of the modifications that I am making include making a chest-off mod for the chest plate to make the kit easier to put on and take off. trimming the thighs a little bit for comfortability and more flexability. im also making some sixing adjustments.

paint test
since I will only need one of the original shoulders from the old kit I figured the other one would be perfect for a paint test. I have a base coat of a flat white. then Rustoleum Ink Blue where I painted heavy around the edges and then put a heavy mist over the middle adjusting paint thickness in various places. then I took a black and dusted over the edges and overspray on the whole piece.

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Re: Triggers Senate Commando Grunt

Post by Trigger »

I’ve now finished the kit, have a little bit of re strapping that I’ll do but overall the kit is doneImage

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Re: Triggers Senate Commando Grunt

Post by Yaffa »

Amazing job

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Re: Triggers Senate Commando Grunt

Post by skanwork »

awesome great job

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Re: Triggers Senate Commando Grunt

Post by LuciousTalvloinne »

The Captain will see you now.
Lucious Talvloinne TR-4126 (Stephen Davenport)
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Re: Triggers Senate Commando Grunt

Post by CodyWyoming82414 »

Awesome kit! I've been looking for someone to help me out on getting the big shoulder pauldron! I can't seem to find any online

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